I had a bath last night for me to set my hair to perming rods before I hit the bed, it took me more than an hour to curl all my hair on the back and both sides. I had an uncomfortable night because I cant lie properly since I can feel the pulling every time I turn from one side to another. I must say I had a really good night sleep, until, it is 9:15 in the morning!! I immediately stand up, okay I am lying! ^^ I opened my eyes widely and realized that I will be late for school even if I rush myself so I decided not to go, Mama G wont let me get in though!
I stayed in bed until PaVirg called me in my mobile, he is forcing me to go to meet him up in the college.
I take every morning of my life as a challenge, from getting up early, hitting the shower, walking fast,'til catching up the train. But the best challenge is PaVirg and I racing who'll arrive first in the college! :-p
Anyways, I stand up and took off the perming rods. and this is what I saw . . .
hair disaster! |
I thought I'll be the centre of attraction because of my hair since my classmates are all
mapang asar.
It is my first time to be absent!! :-O